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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hawaiian Paradise

This tutorial was written on 07/10/2013, By Kelli.
Please don't copy it or claim it as your own or post it through any group.
You may link back to my blog.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of psp and its tools.
It is written using psp X5 but should work in any other version.
  You will need the scrap kit Hawaiian Paradise, By CandyCats Scraps
You can get it here. 
You can check out her blog Here.
You will need a tube of choice.Or not.
I just used the elements from the kit.
I used eyecandy 4 in my tags but its optional.
You will also need a fat font of choice. 

Ok Ready?
1. Open a new image 950x350 transparent.
2. Grab your text tool and set your font to a fat font of choice.
You can find several at DaFont. Your stroke color is a solid color to match the kit.
Background is set to null.
3. Type your name at the largest setting.
If theres still room use the nodes to stretch out the name a little more.
You want the letters to be spaced out so you can cut them apart.
If you are using psp 9 you can go to objects,
convert to curves as character shapes and it will put every letter on a different layer.
You have to do this before you convert it to a raster layer.
I havn't figured out how to do it in my version of psp yet.
But I will. lol.
So use your freehand selection tool to separate the letters.
 Do this by drawing a selection around the letter. Then on the layer palette promote selection to layer, then go back to the raster layer and hit delete on your keyboard.
And do this for each letter.
4.When you have each letter on a different layer, positioin them as desired. You could rotate some move them around on the palette. When your happy add a drop shadow to each letter.
Then merge visible. Now add  a gradient glow or an inner bevel. Just whatever you want.
5. Use your magic wand to click inside each letter making sure to get all of it.
Expand the selection by 3 .
Paste a paper of choice as a new layer (you will have to resize the paper if you have a long name.)
Selections invert and make the paper layer the active layer and hit delete on your keyboard.
Now use a filter or a texture or a bevel I used a bevel and eye candy glass on the second example at the bottom.
On the first one at the top...
I just added a grad glow on the outline before i merged the layers together.
As soon as your happy with it.
Merge all the layers together.
Don't flatten.
You could even duplicate the merged layer and then on the bottom one
apply a blur.. But I digress lol.
  6.Now after the layers are merged visible...Select all selections float and de-float. Then images crop to selection.
7. Canvas size and make your canvas size 950 by 350 with the name in the bottom center.
8. Now your going to start decorating your name with elements from the kit.
9. Dont forget to add a shadow to each element.
10.If you are going to use a tube add it and the © at this time.

And now your done!
Thanks for trying my tutorial! 
I hope you are happy with your results!
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